Distances from Deglos

Distances from Deglos to the largest cities and places in Saint Lucia. Have a closer look at the distances from Deglos to the largest places in Saint Lucia.

You can sort the distances from Deglos to the largest places in Saint Lucia by distancealphabeticallyby population
1 - 13 of 13 places

Anse La Raye   to   Vieux Fort
Distances from Deglos to the largest places in Saint Lucia
Anse La Raye Anse La Raye1.1,2567.1 km 4.4 mishow
Bisee Bisee2.12,9807.0 km 4.4 mishow
Canaries Canaries3.1,86211.7 km 7.3 mishow
Cap Estate Cap Estate4.67716 km 10 mishow
Castries Castries5.20,0005.1 km 3.2 mishow
Choiseul Choiseul6.34622 km 14 mishow
Dennery Dennery7.2,87010.5 km 6.5 mishow
Gros Islet Gros Islet8.2,36212.0 km 7.5 mishow
Laborie Laborie9.1,13124 km 15 mishow
Micoud Micoud10.3,40618 km 11 mishow
Praslin Praslin11.1,90612.7 km 7.9 mishow
Soufriere Soufrière12.2,91814.7 km 9.1 mishow
Vieux Fort Vieux Fort13.4,57427 km 17 mishow

1 - 13 of 13 places